Our mission is to ensure that students gain the skills to be academically proficient in English in all language domains (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) and to ensure equal access
to core content and access and understanding of the mainstream culture in an inclusive school community.
Educational Approaches in our Schools
We use educational approaches that are research based and considered best practice for the education of English Language Learners (ELLs). Students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) receive direct English Language Development (ELD) instruction each day either as a class period in their daily schedule or as a pull-out program.
English Language Development (ELD)
Our goal is to guide student in gaining English language proficiency. Students are grouped according to proficiency level. The educational focus is on oral language development and writing practice.
Dual Language Immersion (DLI, two-way immersion)
Our goal is for students to access core content subject matter and develop strong skills in proficiency in students’ first and second language. Instruction is provided in both languages. 50% Spanish and 50% English for all students. Learn More
Sheltered Instruction
Our goal is for students to access core content subject matter and gain fluency in English. Content instruction is provided in English with adjustment by the teacher to the student’s proficiency level so subject matter is comprehensible.
Identification of Potential English Learners
- All school registration packets include a Home Language Survey
- Parents are provided with ELL Magnet School Option Information
- If home language is other than English, student is assessed for English proficiency
- Students attending ELL magnet programs in schools out of their neighborhood boundary area are eligible for school transportation to the nearest magnet program school.
Current ELL Magnet programs:
- Adams Elementary
- Bessie Coleman Elementary
- Garfield Elementary
- Letitia Carson Elementary
- Lincoln Elementary
- Linus Pauling Middle School
- Corvallis High School