
Corvallis Public Schools Foundation accepts $50,000 gift for new endowment

Better World Endowment for Equity

This fall the Corvallis Public Schools Foundation launched the Better World Endowment for Equity and Inclusion with an initial gift of $50,000 from Gifts for a Better World. The Foundation is committed to matching this seed money over the next two years to ensure that we have a means — from now on — of supporting historically underserved and underrepresented students.

The Foundation’s fundraising priorities — especially equity and excellence — are shaped and guided by a volunteer Board of Trustees and through ongoing collaboration with the Corvallis School District. These priorities reflect a commitment to donors to assess and address needs across 13 schools, and to support pathways to graduation for each and every student.

Read the news article here.

The Corvallis Public Schools Foundation was established in 1996 to provide a way for private individuals and businesses to support excellence in our schools. The Foundation works to understand the challenges and opportunities facing public schools and communicate those needs to the community. CPSF is a registered 501(c) 3 with the IRS and State of Oregon. All donations are tax deductible. To learn more about making a donation to support Corvallis schools, visit the Foundation’s website at