November 15, 2016 Update
First Student, Inc. and the Amalgamated Transit Union remain in negotiations and will resume discussions on December 21. We do not anticipate any disruptions of school bus service between now and the school district’s regularly scheduled winter break which begins December 19.
November 9, 2016
The Corvallis School District contracts with First Student, Inc. for transportation services including bus service to and from school, field trips, athletics, and other school related activities. First Student, Inc. is currently in contract discussions with its drivers. In the event a contract agreement is not reached between First Student, Inc. and its drivers, there is a possibility the drivers may go on strike.
Our hope is that First Student, Inc. and its drivers will be able to resolve their contract discussions with no transportation disruptions for students. Should a strike occur, we will communicate with families in the following ways:
· Regular updates on the Student Transportation page.
· FlashAlert Newswire (includes all local media including radio, print, and television)
· School email mailing lists (parent listserv)
· Social media including Facebook and Twitter (@CSDNow)
Should a strike occur during the school day, families will be contacted and transportation arrangements will be made. All students already on an Individualized Transportation plan (SPED bus), will be picked up and after school supervision will be provided to accommodate pick-up arrangements.
Providing safe transportation for our students is a priority for our district. If you have any questions regarding this situation and how a possible bus strike may affect your student, please call the Corvallis School District Teaching and Learning Department at 541-766-4857.