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Singing their Way to the Top

For the third consecutive year, the CHS choir took home top 5A honors at this year’s OSAA State Championships. Choral Director Aubrey Patterson couldn’t be more proud of her students. “What I’m really excited about is the fact that over half of the group is new to concert choir. They have shown incredible growth over the course of the year, and they came in on top for their musical set and the sight reading portion at the state championships!” The students performed Alleluia by Pawel Lukasewski, O Lux Beata Trinitas by Ko Matsushita, Os Justi by Anton Bruckner and Hentakan Jiwa by Ken Steven.

Student choirs perform a musical set on stage for a total possible 300 points and then they perform in the sight reading room for another scoring of a possible 60 points. The sight reading component is created especially for each year’s competition and, according to Patterson, it is the most objective part of the competition. Sight reading judges ask students to sing the rhythms, pitches, two part harmonies, and four part harmonies of music they have not seen before.

Ms. Patterson takes her choirs to the entire half day of the 5A competition so students can listen to and appreciate all of the wonderful work being done in neighboring school districts. “I encourage my students to sing to give their gift away, to share with the audience, and to create a musical experience for themselves and the audience that can never be recreated. It is truly the pinnacle of our musical year, and an honor to sing at the state championships.”

The last choir concert of this school year will be held June 1 at 7 pm in the CHS theater. The community is invited to attend.


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