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Superintendent’s Budget Message

The 2017-18 budget totals $120,150,251 for all funds. The General Fund budget totals $78,398,133 and is based on the Governor’s $8.0159 billion State School Fund budget split 49/51 over the biennium. Unlike districts throughout Oregon, this budget does not include significant cuts in staffing or programs and reserve levels. In Corvallis, we are extremely grateful for the support of the local option levy, which provides funding for 50 full time equivalent teaching positions and represents 7% of the general fund budget. The proposed budget will provide stability for the coming year and  equity remains at the heart of the district’s resource priorities.

Strategic investments include real-world learning, elementary art education, English language support at all schools, and the establishment of an innovation fund.

  • The High School Graduation and College and Career Readiness Act of 2016 (Measure 98) is a 2016 ballot initiative approved by voters that provides direct funding to school districts to establish or expand career and technical education programs, establish or expand college‐level educational opportunities, and establish or expand dropout‐prevention strategies. These strategies support the needs of students related to engagement, personalization, achievement, and college and career readiness. Although the funding of this initiative has not yet been solidified, the proposed budget includes $900,000 to implement the strategies outlined in the measure.
  • Corvallis elementary students will have sixty minutes of of music and physical education every week and thirty minutes of art education each week. That sets our district apart from many districts in the state and it is directly attributed to funding from the local option levy.
  • The Innovation Fund, with an allocation of $50,000, is designed to spark project-based, experiential learning in all grades. These funds will be made available through a grant process managed by the superintendent’s office.
  • English language development, currently provided in magnet programs at some schools, will be provided at all schools. This change is expected to improve participation in English language development services and is designed to improve educational outcomes for emerging language learners.

The complete budget proposal document is available HERE.


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