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Superintendent’s Update

Shared with the Corvallis School Board during the April 8, 2021 meeting

Demographic Changes for Registration Form

We have worked with the Linn Benton Lincoln ESD over the last six months to update the demographic information collected as part of student registration. Equity coordinator Marcianne Rivero Koetje and members of the District Equity Leadership Team advisory group provided input on this process. We learned that the federally identified racial categories were so limited, that some students and families felt excluded when trying to identify their student’s racial identity with the categories provided. Our registration form now includes 22 racial categories and a write-in option. This is one way that our district is making sure kids and families feel included from the very beginning. This change will have a positive impact across our region and all other school districts served by the Linn Benton Lincoln ESD will also have the new categories available in their registration process.

Online Option will be Available Next Year

A fully online option will be offered for the 2021-22 school year.  Based on a survey of current Corvallis Online families, we know that some are interested in having this as a more permanent option for their child. More information will be shared later this spring.

Dedication of Hiroshima Peace Tree

Students from the Adams Green Team will dedicate the Adams Elementary Hiroshima Peace Tree on Earth Day, April 22, at 3 pm. The outdoor dedication will take place behind the Western View Center located adjacent to the district administration building.  

 The Hiroshima Peace tree is one of 45 trees that were grown from seeds of trees that miraculously survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, They are part of the One Sunny Day Initiative and are meant to promote peace, hope, and reconciliation and to work towards a world free of nuclear weapons. Adams Elementary is one of only two elementary schools to receive a tree.

HR Director Jennifer Duvall Recognized with Leadership Award

Last year, our HR Director Jennifer Duvall was recognized by the Oregon School Personnel Association with the Human Resources Leadership Award. Today, Jennifer was recognized during a virtual meeting of district leadership to acknowledge and celebrate this award. We are fortunate to have such an experienced, strong, and innovative HR Director in our district. We appreciate all that she contributes to our district and to the human resources profession in the state of Oregon and across the country.

Student Artwork in the Board Room

Our art teachers continue to inspire our students with projects that integrate real-world and hands-on learning. This month, the board room is filled with student art thanks to the work from Adams, Franklin, and Garfield elementary students, Linus Pauling and Franklin middle school students, and Corvallis and Crescent Valley high school students. Thank you to all of our art teachers for providing these engaging art opportunities for our students and thank you to our student artists for sharing your perspective and creativity with us!

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School Board Election Filings Are Now Open

Wednesday, February 5: Buses are on snow routes

Corvallis School District 2023-24 Graduation Data Released