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Weather Closure Make Up Days Announced

Icy branches

Updated January 23, 9:50 pm

At the January 23rd school board meeting, Superintendent Ryan Noss shared information about input he received from parents and staff regarding make up days. Board members voiced strong support of utilizing the school make up days already included in the 2016-17 calendar.

Make up days will be as follows:

  • February 20 (President’s Day)
  • June 19, 20, 21, 22 (June 12 High School Graduation remains the same)

In the event of future weather closure days this year and depending on this week’s decision by the Oregon State Board of Education, the school board might be able to request that up to 14 hours of emergency school closure time be counted as part of the total instructional time for 2016-17.

Updated January 23, 3:40 pm

Thank you to parents and staff who provided input on the possibilities of adding time to the remaining school days or adding full days at the end of the school year. Parent survey responses were nearly evenly split between the two options provided and some parents provided additional comments via email and telephone.

Since the survey closed, we have learned that this week the Oregon State Board of Education will review a proposed temporary rule amendment that would allow school districts to request permission to allow up to 14 hours for emergency school closures due to adverse weather conditions. The Corvallis School Board will discuss utilizing this option at their business meeting on Monday, January 23.

We will communicate make up days with families as soon as possible this week.


Como usted sabe, las clases se cancelaron durante los días 8, 15 y 16 de diciembre y el 4 y 9 de enero, como consecuencia se perdieron cinco días de escuela. Aprecio las aportaciones de los padres de familia y del personal sobre la posibilidad de agregar tiempo a los días que quedan de clase o de añadir días completos al final del año escolar. Las respuestas de los padres resultaron casi a la par entre las dos opciones propuestas y algunos padres proporcionaron comentarios vía correo electrónico o por teléfono.

Después de que se cerró la encuesta, nos enteramos que la próxima semana el Consejo Estatal de Educación de Oregon considerará una propuesta de enmienda temporal al reglamento. Esta modificación permitiría a los distritos escolares solicitar permiso para incluir hasta 14 horas de cancelación de clases debido a una emergencia por las inclemencias del tiempo. El Consejo Directivo del Distrito Escolar de Corvallis va a discutir el utilizar esta opción en su próxima reunión del lunes 23 de enero.  La próxima semana nos comunicaremos con las familias a la brevedad posible.

Ryan Noss, Superintendente

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