After the successful passage of the facilities bond measure last May, Corvallis School district officials immediately began preparing for the implementation of the bond program. The district has developed bond goals and a management plan to ensure transparency and ways for community members to get involved. In addition to the Bond Oversight Committee, the following opportunities are now available:
Composed of up to fifteen members and facilitated by bond program architects. These advisory groups will assist in the development of district-wide design standards for bond projects. Students, staff and community members having a special interest or expertise in the given topic (described below) are invited to apply. The concepts of equity and sustainability will be a primary consideration in all topic areas. The deadline to apply is October 15.
All four teams will meet on the following dates: Workshop 1: October 24, 6 – 9 pm, Workshop 2: November 7, 5:30 – 9:30 pm, Workshop 3: November 28, 6 pm – 9 pm
Application closed October 15, 2018
Design Advisory Committees
Composed of up to twelve members including key staff, students and members of school stakeholder groups, including neighborhood association representation. These committees will be in place for each school. They will be facilitated by bond program architects and will serve as advisors to the design professionals. The concepts of equity and sustainability will be a primary consideration in all topic areas. Design Advisory Committees will be established at the beginning of the design process for the school and will continue at least through the life of the project. Meeting schedule to be determined. Garfield, Lincoln, and Hoover committees will be formed in October. The deadline to apply is October 26. All other school committees will be formed in January and the deadline to apply is November 30.
All stakeholders will have an opportunity to provide input at a Design Guidance Community Meeting on November 19, 6:30 – 8:00 pm. This will be a listening and learning opportunity for anyone who is interested in providing input on the four design guidance team topic areas. The meeting will be held at Lincoln Elementary School in the gym.
Our goal is to provide multiple ways for our community to get involved with the bond program. Stay tuned for regular updates on the district website and at school board meetings. Questions about the bond program may be directed to Facilities and Transportation Director, Kim Patten at 541-757-4487.
Childcare and interpretation will be available at all meetings.