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Facilities Planning Committee

Next meeting to be held May 10

The Facilities Planning Committee will meet for Workshop #5 at 6 pm on May 10 at Lincoln Elementary School. The agenda will be posted HERE when it is available.

The committee is comprised of parents, community members, school board members, and school district staff. Parents, staff, and community members are welcome to attend committee meetings and are invited to stay informed and review committee meetings using the materials posted on the web. The general public is welcome to attend and observe all planning meetings but there is not a public participation component. The general public may provide input in this phase of the planning process in the following ways:

  1. Submit written comment on the cards provided at the meeting
  2. Submit written comment using the online form (please include FACILITIES in the subject line)
  3. Contact Kim Patten, Director of Facilities and Transportation at 541-757-5877

At the March 23rd meeting, committee members were asked to think “outside of the box” and put all potential ideas on the table.  There were no limits placed on ideas.  Committee members generated all kinds of concepts including eliminating or combining schools, changing grade level configurations, and moving schools to different properties owned by the district.

These ideas were vetted for common threads and reconsidered by the committee the April 25th meeting. Materials for that meeting are available HERE.

Additional public input on the draft plan will be gathered through the summer and early fall before a final plan is presented to the school board.

The committee will reconvene in the fall to consider community feedback.  If needed, the committee will modify their plan and resubmit it to Superintendent Noss; then, he will make a recommendation to the school board.   The school board has the discretion to approve or modify the plan. Committee meeting agendas, summary meeting notes and background materials are available HERE.

A Progress Report was presented to the school board on March 13. Superintendent Noss will give regular updates on the long range planning process at school board meetings. The planning process timeline is available HERE.

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