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School Board to Discuss Facilities Plan in Work Session

Follow-up Discussion Follows Superintendent's Recommendation

At the December 7 board meeting, Facilities Director Kim Patten presented the full recommendation of the Long Range Facilities Planning Committee. The board was invited to ask for additional information from staff for the December 18 Board Work Session.

Superintendent Noss presented his recommendation of the Long Range Facility Master Plan. The plan in large part includes the recommendations from the Long Range Facilities Master Plan Committee. Key elements in the superintendent’s recommended plan include completing capital repairs at all schools, replacing Lincoln and Hoover elementary schools with new buildings on the existing school sites, eliminating all modular classrooms, providing dedicated music, art/science, and collaborative learning areas in all K-5 schools and supporting projects for CTE learning in the middle and high schools. The complete recommendation is available online in BoardBook.

The board requested additional information for their next meeting including lower cost budget scenarios. $1.78 per $1,000 (previous bond), demographic figures, aggregate cost figures, Hoover and Lincoln’s current and future capacity as three section and four section schools, and more information about the district’s Title IX obligations for athletics facilities improvements. The board will return to their discussion of the facilities plan at their December 18 work session. The additional information requested for that meeting is available online in BoardBook. Public testimony is not taken during work session meetings.

The school board will meet again on January 11 for a regular business meeting. Public testimony will be taken at that time.


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