
Theater Diversity Advisory Committee

An important part of the Corvallis School District’s equity work is the formation of the Theater Diversity Advisory Committee (TDAC) charged with monitoring and advising the CSD Theaters program. TDAC was first formed in May 2021 and has been meeting throughout the 2022-2023 school year.

Overview of Committee

The mission of CSD’s Theater Diversity Advisory Committee (TDAC) is to support equity and inclusion in our theater program. Members of the committee are recruited from district staff, student representatives, community members, and alumni coming from underrepresented backgrounds and/or experience in anti-racist work to advise the theater department’s play selection, casting, and diversity and equity efforts.

Participants do not need to be involved in theater to be on TDAC. TDAC meets approximately seven times a year (August, September, November, January, March, April, and May). The meeting time is approximately one hour. The meetings are in person with a hybrid option. Meeting attendance is important.

The committee will actively monitor and provide input on

  • Annual play selection and casting
  • Reviewing diversity and equity improvements
  • Actively communicate key information related to the CSD Theaters program to engage students and community members.

Staff Liaisons

Kim Patten, Director of Operations
Marcianne Rivero Koetje, Multilingual Programs and Equity Coordinator

Kim Patten and Marcianne Rivero Koetje will provide an annual update on the work of the committee to the superintendent.

Application for Theater Diversity and Inclusion Advisory/ Aplicación para el comité de la supervisión de la diversidad del teatro

  • Do you live or work within the Corvallis School District boundaries? ¿Vive o trabaja en los límites del Distrito Escolar de Corvallis?
  • Please check all that apply to you. Por favor marque todos los que apliquen
  • Do you have experience in the performing arts? If so, please describe your experience./¿Tiene experiencia en las artes escénicas? Si es así, por favor describa su experiencia.
  • How will your unique insights related to your race, culture, gender, membership in the LGBTQIA+ community, or unique abilities enrich the diversity and inclusivity of the Corvallis School District Theater Program?/¿De qué manera es que sus conocimientos únicos relacionados con su raza, cultura, género, membresía en la comunidad LGBTQIA+ o habilidades únicas enriquecerán la diversidad e inclusión del Programa de Teatro del Distrito Escolar de Corvallis?
  • Optional information/Información opcional

    The district is seeking a diverse committee with membership that represents a cross section of the community with racial lived experience. The following optional questions will help us achieve that goal. Declining to provide any or all the information below will not affect the selection process. // El distrito busca un comité diverso con pertenencia a grupos que representen la diversidad de la comunidad escolar. Las siguientes son preguntas opcionales que nos ayudarán a lograr alcanzar esa meta. Si no acepta proporcionar toda o alguna parte de esta información abajo, esto no afectará el proceso de selección.
  • Identified Gender/Género con el que se identifi
  • Race/Raza
  • Do you need translation services? If yes, what language?/ ¿Necesita servicios de traducción? De ser así, ¿a cuál idioma?
  • Do you have a disability or need accommodations?/¿Tiene alguna discapacidad o necesita disposiciones especiales?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.